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Team and Customer Management

Track your Customer’s Equipment

Team Leads

Team Leads

As the lead of a team, you are given access to not only the work orders that belong to you, but also all the work orders that belong to the members of your team.

Filter Calendar

Filter Calendar by Teams

Manage your dispatch calendar by using Work Group filters. 

Customer History and Notes
Customer History and Notes

Multiple Technicians

Dispatch Multiple Technicians to The Same Work Order

Jobs require more than one technician over multiple days to complete the work. Field Promax provides the perfect mechanism to capture all the hours spent by each technician each day.

This provides accurate billing by accounting for all the hours that were spent on each job.

Automatic Notification

Automatic Email and Text Notifications for Your Team

Automatically notify your technicians when there are schedule changes. This eliminates miscommunications and dropped appointments.

Customer History and Notes
Customer History and Notes

Track Your Team

Track Your Team As They Progress Through The Day

Using GPS tracking, monitor how your work orders are being processed throughout the day.

Try FieldPromax For Free.


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Customer History and Notes

Customer Portal

Customer Portal

Empower your clientele with seamless access to our customer portal, offering them the autonomy to create and modify their work orders effortlessly. Prioritize timeliness and precision and, above all, elevate customer satisfaction through this intuitive and user-centric feature.

Customer History

Customer History

Unlock the power of historical customer data for enhanced interactions and insightful analysis. Gain a comprehensive understanding of your customer’s history within minutes, enabling you to elevate service delivery. Seamlessly leverage historical customer information to identify upselling opportunities and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Customer History and Notes
Customer History and Notes

Customer Notes

Customer Notes

Your technicians need to understand what work has been done in the past. Work resolutions are automatically posted to the customer profile, so regardless of which technician worked with the customer in the past, these notes are accessible in our mobile app.

Text Reminder

Remind Your Customers Through Text Message

Missed appointments are a costly affair. Remind your customers a day or an hour before the scheduled appointment. This ensures that both your customers and field technicians are in sync.

Customer History and Notes
Customer History and Notes


Manage all Your Customer’s Documents in One Place.

Upload contracts, schematics or drawings to your customer’s profile. When a work order is created, these documents are automatically attached to the work order for your techs to use in the mobile app.